Our engineers have monitored the fix and confirmed the issue with Domain authentication has been resolved. All services are now operating normally at this time.
Posted Sep 18, 2024 - 16:03 PDT
A fix has been implemented by the third party provider. We are currently monitoring our system while the provider processes the authentication requests submitted earlier. It will take a few hours for all pending requests to be processed. We will provide another update in two hours or as soon as more information becomes available.
Posted Sep 18, 2024 - 12:49 PDT
Starting around 10:07 AM PDT on Wednesday, 09/18/2024, our Engineers identified an issue impacting new domain authentications. Due to a third-party provider, customers won't be able to authenticate new domains despite the DNS records being correctly added on their side, and won't be able to send emails on behalf of those domains until the authentication is complete. This issue doesn't affect the domains that have been authenticated and therefore, it doesn't impact email sending for them. We will provide another update in one hour or as soon as more information becomes available.